My office is right above the person sitting on the bench with a red coat. It is on the first floor, which I found very confusing until I discovered that the ground floor of all buildings here are floor 0. |
A very beautiful building highlighted by the late afternoon sun |
The view looking down Florida Ave., right in front of the office. Blocks and blocks of shopping. |
A McDonald's right across from the office. Probably because of the importance of the the beef industry in the country, they have Triple Macs here, instead of Double Macs. (I'm not kidding, I had one the other day) |
The view from my hotel room. (That is the Pirate Restaurant on the corner.) |
The view looking out from my office. There is a traffic circle and a park right across the street. |
A better look at the park across the street. |
The first week of work was a good one. Juan Carlos was fighting a sore throat, but I was able to spend some good time meeting the Argentina staff, and an excellent day with the Argentina forecaster, and Juan Carlos toughed it out to give me some good time talking about processes. The week ended with a meeting between Silverio (President), Francois (CFO), Juan Carlos, his Inventory Manager Gaston, and me, which ran until 6:30 Friday evening. The work days may not start until 9:00 here, but they can last a very long time.
I had my best meal of the week so far tonight (Friday), at an Italian restaurant right across the street from the hotel. A steak, of course.
This weekend I have tours to Tigre, right up the river from Buenos Aries, and to Colonia, Uruguay, right across the very wide river scheduled.So the next post will have lots of pictures from those adventures.